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Everything posted by paladin84

  1. @Yovaneth , thank you for the great tutorial. It might also worth mentioning in the tutorial all the troubles you might face trying to work with dynamic parts of tilesets in EE (as in this duscussion: There is no pefrect solution for this, though...
  2. If your water works fine with oBG, you can try tis2ovl as described here:
  3. It was discussed here: https://www.gibberlings3.net/forums/topic/36678-iwd2-npcs-now-compatible-with-iwd2ee-project/#comment-330058 and I guess the answer is: "You can create a mod that does it".
  4. I checked how NI converts into tis+pvrz. It seems that if the source was PNG, it just cut the whole image by 1024x1024 pieces (so the tiles are located as they were in PNG and how they are going to be located in the game). If it converts from TISv1, it probably tries to do a better job by placing tiles using the information from WED file, but for my experience it does more harm than good: glitches at doors never gone, but sometimes tiles are misplaced. Thus, I ended up to converting everything through PNG (and it was easy enough for me to change WED and PNG files in the middle of the process). I tried to open the file you mentioned (B010013.PVRZ) in NI and saw that tiles in it are definitely not located as they should be on the image. I still don't know how the glitch looks like in the game (I guess, I should install the mod for that and teleport to the area), but what I would try is to convert the tis+pvrz files for the whole area into PNG (with NI if it is possible at all) and then convert it back into tis+pvrz to see if the glitch still there.
  5. Honestly, I still don't fully understand how the described glitches looks like (and even where to get B010013). Do you have the screenshot with the glitch? Anyway, I feel myself much more comfortable, manipulation with images than editing binary files, so if something can be done this way (adding extra empty tiles, reorganizing them, etc) I would rather do this (with a script) than try manually adjusting many TIS+PVRZ files...
  6. Can this happen if an image with width and height divisible by 64 is converted into TIS+PVRZ using NI? The workflow with the proposed script is: 1. Convert TIS v1 into PNG (assuming its width and height are divisible by 64) 2. Use the proposed script to create new PNG and WED file. 3. convert new png into TIS+PVRZ using NI
  7. Based on my experience, tile2ee works well only if you need to convert TIS+PVRZ back into TIS. To convert TIS to TIS+PVRZ it is better to use NI. See this message: After the conversion via NI, these multiple black lines should disappear and then you will notice lines at the doors...
  8. Is this area TIS or TIS+PVRZ? It looks like the location taken from IWD1/IWD2.
  9. No, it looks like something different. I was assuming that the main image is shown ok, but dynamic parts (doors, water, fireplaces) are not. Here the main image is shown with glitches.
  10. Thanks, I finally figured how to work with "fireplaces". In the current version of the script, everything should work (I updated the original post to reflect this).
  11. I think I found a good solution to get rid of such glitched at dynamic parts of tilesets. The idea is coming from this message by @Weigo : https://www.gibberlings3.net/forums/topic/37063-water-layer-corruption-in-pvrztis-file/#comment-326283 I needed to fix 100+ areas with dynamic parts and water overlays, but I wasn't ready to work (to define individual tile positions) in PVRZ directly. The idea is: if EE engine sometimes takes extra pixel lines from the adjacent tiles for secondary tiles (the ones that are responsible for water overlays or second state of the door), they should be reorganized to have transparent or "proper" pixel lines next to them. It will make secondary tiles to be located more "sparse" (it is probably not a big issue, cause PVRZ is a compressed file and adding "empty" tiles here and there would not change the size of the all the PVRZ files for the area), but will solve the issue. For this, I wrote a simple python script that parse WED file, split secondary tiles by groups, place them as compact as possible (or just use a "chess-like pattern) with "empty" tiles around groups and change secondary tile references in the WED file. The script works for fireplaces, doors and water overlays - so it should be able to fix all the glitches. Disclaimer: ithe script was written for myself, it is not very beautiful and I cannot guarantee that it will work for all the cases. However, if you find that it doesn't work, let me know and I will fix it. The script itself: https://github.com/abalabokhin/translate_tra/blob/main/convert_wed_png_for_ee.py Example of area image "before": https://github.com/abalabokhin/translate_tra/blob/main/map_res/NW1000_in.PNG Example of area image "after": https://github.com/abalabokhin/translate_tra/blob/main/out_map_res/NW1000_grouping.PNG Another variant "after": https://github.com/abalabokhin/translate_tra/blob/main/out_map_res/NW1000_chess.PNG Updated: removed mentioning that script doesn't work with "fireplaces", now script works with series of tiles (how fireplaces are implemented).
  12. Thanks for this. Honestly, I don't remember IWD music that well, so the whole list would be appriciated. As far as I understood, I can open the music in NI, than found the same music in IWDEE and compare. I will try to do this. Do you accidently know is it going to be the same issue with oBG2?
  13. You can teleport to location NW1001, or summon NWMESS creature. Theoretically everything should work. It was discussed, but Russian community have limited resources and there is IWD1EET mod, so the first part of NeJ doesn't make much sense to port. Porting other chapters is a good idea, but you have to redo the whole plot for this (probably organize everything as series of independent quests, cause IMHO using Hrothgar as a main NPC doesn't make much sense). However, the main issue is lack of skilled people I guess. No I didn't. What particular music is slowed?
  14. Here is the new release: https://github.com/abalabokhin/NWNForBG/releases/tag/0.95 Many small things were fixed (bugs, items, creatures for better balance, etc), Chinese language (fully proof-read) were added, the quality of Russian and Engilsh movies for EE were improved and French movies (along with some French texts) were added. More details about what was changed and to whom we should be grateful for this are in readme. Github sometimes doesn't work well with big archives, so here is the alternative link to google drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XjQCK5eAWtfSmBllyjETg61cKog3gRdV/view I edited the first post with new links.
  15. Yes, as far as I understand the entry should be in the GTimes.IDS during script compilation. In compiled script it is kept as number (120).
  16. 3) As far as I can see EFF file is a valid one. Can ToF not modify EFF if it cannot (have a check on a file size or EFF internal structure in weidu)? I can change this spell to use a version from IWDification, but I think it is still a good idea to have this check.
  17. I fixed some small bugs since the last release (waiting for more feedback from people who are playing the mod now before publishing new release). Thus, it is better to use "main" branch in the repo now (https://github.com/abalabokhin/NWNForBG -> Code -> Download ZIP). For the areas, you can try to teleport to NW1000, it is Neverwinter Core (or many other areas starting with NW, I guess some of them are added to "Cheat areas" for EE).
  18. Is there a way to add a new campaign to BG2EE, not to EET? Eg there is no M_K#TBL.lua in BG2EE.
  19. Thank you, I am glad you liked it. I like your ideas and I added them to my todo list. Even if I don't have time to modify mod content (other than bug fixing) now, I might have it at some point. These spells were added by AGKanevchev and overall I like the idea of having some "north" spells in NWN content. I tried to add these new spells properly, using ADD_SPELL and patching dependent resources with the actual spell resources. Thus, in theory, if such spells are exist in the game (eg added by IWDification) by the time of NWNForBG mod installation, already installed versions of the spells are going to be used in the mod and no new spells are going to be added. I didn't test installing NWNForBG after IWDification but hopefully it will work. If IWDification is installed after NWNForBG, there is nothing I can do, but I hope it is also add new spells properly, so only one version of the spells are used everywhere.
  20. Great, thank you! It helped a lot, I was able to set up Chinese properly. It is in main branch of the repo so far, but will go into the next release.
  21. Thank you, I processed the file, but I found you that I don't know how to make weidu understands Chinese. I guess all the files should be in gb18030 enconding, but weidu complaints that it doesn't know Chinese (ERROR: charset could not be inferred for language chinese). Is there other mods with Chinese support, so I can see how it is made there?
  22. Can you send me this file? I was using NWN classic diamond edition for the other languages, I didn't have Chinese language there.
  23. Ok, I will be waiting for the mod to be complete before starting translating it. Thank you for the great mod.
  24. Is this mod traified? I see some tra files, but there are many d files that have English lines.
  25. Oh, sorry, I didn't notice your message. So basically you need to do three things: 1. Copy all the files from here: https://github.com/GwendolyneFreddy/Infinity-Animations/tree/master/infinityanimations/archives/nwn_01_modron/nwn_pit_fiend into override folder 2. Open NI, open ANIMATE.IDS, find not used by any other animation slot "0xe", e.g it is "0xe00e" and add entry "0xe00e NWN_PIT_FIEND" (use the empty slot you found instead of 0xe00e). 3. Rename https://github.com/GwendolyneFreddy/Infinity-Animations/blob/master/infinityanimations/archives/ini_ee/pit_fiend_nwn.ini file into e00e.ini (the empty slot you found) and copy it into override dir. After this and reloading NI the animation should appear in NI animation browser. There are also slots that cannot be used at all, see the list here: https://gibberlings3.github.io/iesdp/file_formats/ie_formats/ini_anim.htm
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